Archive for ‘Focus on Courts’

EO Tax Journal 2024-54

Paul Streckfus, April 5, 2024 at 5:33 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – In the News

3 Buettner Ruling: Section 501(c)(3) and Title IX

4 IRS Warns about Fake Charities Exploiting Taxpayer Generosity

5 – AHA: There is Nothing ‘Fair’ about the Lown Institute’s ‘Fair Share’ Report Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-52

Paul Streckfus, April 2, 2024 at 5:28 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – In the News

3 – More than 1,900 Nonprofit Hospitals Receive More in Tax Breaks than They Give Back to Their Community, Totaling Billions

4 – Fourth Circuit Holds that Section 501(c)(3) Status Does Not Equate to ‘Receiving Federal Financial Assistance” for Purposes of Title IX Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-51

Paul Streckfus, April 1, 2024 at 5:22 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – ABA’s EO Committee to Meet May 3 in Washington

3 Taxpayer’s Income from Underwriting Reinsurance Policies for Authority Is Excludable from Gross Income under § 115(1) (PLR 202413009) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-49

Paul Streckfus, March 28, 2024 at 4:49 am

1 – The EOTJ Mailbag

2 – Editor’s Notebook

3 – More on SAFE SPACE v. Commissioner

4 – State Regulation of Charitable Organizations (Part 1) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-48

Paul Streckfus, March 26, 2024 at 6:02 am

1 – The EOTJ Mailbag

2 – Editor’s Notebook

3 – Finally, a Johnson Amendment Case in Tax Court

4 – Comments of Adler & Colvin and New Venture Fund on Proposed Section 4966 DAF Regulations Continue…