Archive for ‘PLRs, TAMs, and Denial Letters’

EO Tax Journal 2024-112

Paul Streckfus, July 18, 2024 at 5:14 am

1 – Quote of the Week

2 – In the News

3 – NACUBO Urge House Members to Withdraw H.R. 8913 and H.R. 8914

4 – Editor’s Notebook

5 Applicant Facilitating Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Payments to High School or College Athletes Denied (c)(3) Status (Denial 202428008) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-106

Paul Streckfus, July 8, 2024 at 4:58 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – The EOTJ Mailbag

3 – IRS Grants an Extension of Additional Five Years under Section 4943(c)(7) for Disposing of Certain Excess Business Holdings (PLR 202426013) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-105

Paul Streckfus, July 5, 2024 at 5:34 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – Recent Articles of Interest

3 – In the News

4 – IRS Approves Scholarship and Grant Procedures under Section 4945(g) (Ruling 202426018) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-64

Paul Streckfus, April 22, 2024 at 5:25 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – Applicant Providing Athletes an Opportunity to Earn NIL Revenue While Partnering with Local Charities Denied (c)(3) Status (Denial 202416015)

3 – Hearing on Proposed DAF Regulations Extended Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2024-59

Paul Streckfus, April 15, 2024 at 5:06 am

1 – Editor’s Notebook

2 – Stipulated Decision in Free Sacred Trinity Church

3 Income Received by Section 501(c)(6) Association for Certifying Facilities to Third-Party Standards Is Not Subject to UBIT (PLR 202415003) Continue…