Archive for March, 2014

EO Tax Journal 2014-60

Paul Streckfus, March 24, 2014 at 5:05 am

1 – More on 50th Annual Washington Non-Profit & Tax Conference

2 – Update from the Hill (Panel Outline)

3 – A Special Prosecutor for the IRS Needed (Rep. Jim Jordan)

4 – Issa and Jordan to Holder: Provide Details on Lerner Interview Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2014-59

Paul Streckfus, March 21, 2014 at 5:16 am

1 – In the News

2 – Where I Went Yesterday

3 – State of the IRS: Post-TIGTA Report

4 – Who Controls the Kochs’ Political Network? Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2014-58

Paul Streckfus, March 20, 2014 at 4:56 am

1 – Quote of the Week

2 – IRS Wants to Keep Its Phone Numbers Secret (Forget Customer Service)

3 – Charities Regulation and Oversight Project Announces the Publication of “The Future of State Charities Regulation Conference” Papers

4 – Hide the Money While Getting Your Candidate Elected

5 – Retired IRSer: George Will Column on IRS Is Full of Half-Truths

6 – Comments of AICPA on Proposed (c)(4) Regs

7 – Comments of Colbert Super PAC SHH Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2014-57

Paul Streckfus, March 19, 2014 at 5:32 am

ABA’s EO Committee’s January 24 Meeting – Panel 5 (Earmarking) Continue…

EO Tax Journal 2014-56

Paul Streckfus, March 18, 2014 at 5:58 am

1 – Coming Attractions

2 – In the News

3 – ABA’s EO Committee’s January 24 Meeting – Panel 5 Materials Continue…